Halaqoh Development Vocational Boarding School -Based Forest Resources.

halaqoh Development Vocational Boarding School   -Based Forest Resources.

FKPP  (Porum Communication Boarding Purwakarta) implement the program holaqoh voksional pesantren-based development of forest resources, Thursday (4/7) in the halls of Purwakarta Regency Hall. Attended by Forestry Minister Hasan also attended Zulkipli Purwakarta Regent Dedi Mulyadi, SH and H the Perum Perhutani Directors Purwakarta.  
Do anatara Perhutani Purwakarta MoU signing with FK - Pontren, MUI. Cooperative Andika and PT Nuts Rabbit. Peyerahan seedlings to FKPP region IV (Purwakarta, Subang and Karawang) and ADM Sharing KPH to board LMDH Purwakarta Purwakarta submitted by Forestry Minister Hasan Zulkipli symbolically.
In his speech Paurwakarta Regents schools that cultivate the potential to have the ability in the consciousness of the collectivity scholars, umara and the ummah in order to realize the fulfillment of prinsi - prinsif basis of sustainable forest management.
Nurturing environment basically has performed and done a mandate Rahmatan lil Allamin useful for all human life. Specifically.
Similarly, described by the Ministry of Forestry in this occasion the need to preserve and protect the environment in order to avoid catastrophe for humanity, growing concern in schools mempasilitasi increased awareness in protecting the environment. 
Holaqoh Development of vocational schools, attended by representatives of Forest Monster Rasta community, community leaders and environmental officials Region IV Purwakarta, Subang and Karawang. (DH / Ujang Apip)



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